Hrvatski kišobran by Dajana Vuksan |
Poznajem jednu djevojku koja me pri upoznavanju iznenadila kad je izgovorila da voli kišu. Nisam mislila da postoje ljudi koji zaista ne gunđaju bar malo na kišne lokve, blato, tmuru i ono kad te auto zapljusne od glave do pete kišnicom s ruba ceste. Ali Ana ipak voli kišu. A mi ostali (ne živim u Londonu, kojeg obožavam, među ostalim realnim razlozima, i zbog te poznate britanske kiše) imamo izvrsno oružje za takve dane koje proizvodi ekipa iz Zaprešića u tvrtki Tabacco d.o.o.. Njihov proizvod nije nimalo opasan, naprotiv. Hrvatski kišobran je primjer uspješne suradnje praktičnosti i umjetnosti.
I know a girl who surprised me when we were inroduced by saying she loved rain. Never before that had I thought those type of persons exsisted, those who are not grumpy because of rainy ponds, mud, gray sky and when a car passes and splashes you from head to toes . But Ana loves rain anyway. And the rest of us (I do not live in London, and I adore that city, among other realistic reasons, because of that (in)famous rain) have the perfect weapon made by Tabacco ltd. from Zaprešić, Croatia. Their product isn't dangerous, just the oposite. Croatian umbrella is a great exapmle of succesful collaboration of practical use and art.
Hrvatski kišobran by Dajana Vuksan |
Dear Rain ( |
Zar nije super cool kad kišobran postane modni dodatak, odnosno kad možeš birati model koji ti paše uz outfit? Tako sam ja, uz svoj Di Caprio by Varteks kaput kombinirala svijetlo plavi kišobran s bež leptirima koje je mlada, prelijepa dizajnerica Dajana Vuksan zamislila u 3D varijanti da se bore protiv kiše i veselo mašu svojim krilima na vjetru. Klobuk je obrubljen istom nijansom kao s krila leptira, a pasica koja ga zatvara također je kombinacija svijetlo plave i bež boje. Leptiri su raspoređeni tako da kišobran ne gubi na ljepoti niti kada je zatvoren.
Isn't it super cool when an umbrella is just as an accessory, when you can choose a model which matches your outfit? I matched my Di Caprio by Varteks coat with this light blue umbrella with beige butterflies. Dajana Vuksan, a young, beautiful designer of this umbrella had a vision to apply 3D butterfiles on the umbrella so they can fight rain and joyfully fly their wings on windy days. The canopy ends in beige and it is closed by laght blue and beige strap. Butterflies are spread strategically so that the umbrella looks perfect even when shut.
Sličan koncept borbe protiv kiše razvija tvrtka Dear Rain. Oni se, naime, razvijaju na polju zaštite ženskih torbi i torbica od kiše ali su napravili i ovaj prozirni kišobran s pozitivnom porukom kiši - Dear Rain, I win. Dear Rain, you lose. Iako na Hrvatskom kišobranu to ne piše direktno, upravo je to što čini. Svojom lijepom kombinacijom boja i nježnim krilima leptira pobjeđuje svako loše raspoloženje koje može proizvesti kišni dan. Svoj primjerak 3D kišobrana (u raznim bojama i s raznim aplikacijama) možete nabaviti u web shopu na i lako pobijediti kišu!
Dear Rain TM develops similar concept in battle against rain. Their core product is, actually, rain poncho which protects women's purses and bags but they added this see-through umbrella with positive message to rain - Dear Rain, I win. Dear rain, you lose. Even though Croatian umbrella doesn't state that directly, it is exactly what it does! The colour combination and jolly butterflies concur bad mood on rainy days. Your sample od 3D umbrella is available online on , so get it and make the rain lose.
Dear Rain TM develops similar concept in battle against rain. Their core product is, actually, rain poncho which protects women's purses and bags but they added this see-through umbrella with positive message to rain - Dear Rain, I win. Dear rain, you lose. Even though Croatian umbrella doesn't state that directly, it is exactly what it does! The colour combination and jolly butterflies concur bad mood on rainy days. Your sample od 3D umbrella is available online on , so get it and make the rain lose.
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