Prikladno je vrijeme da bar na kratko zaboravimo visoke čizme i pokažemo noge nakon hladnih snježnih dana. Sunce nas je prošlog tjedna lijepo iznenadilo relativno visokim temperaturama pa je dovoljno bilo zagrijati ih toplim, a elegantnim čarapama od 70 dena. Ja sam za svoj styling odabrala Jadran čarape s pomalo neuobičajenim uzorkom jer ostavljaju dojam mrežastih čarapa, a zapravo to nisu, nego su više naopaka mreža ili čak mini karirani uzorak.
Weather these days is optimal to make us forget knee length boots (at least for a while) and show off our legs. Last week, the sun surprised us with relatively high temperatures for this time of year so it was enough to put on 70 den warm, but elegant stockings. For my syling I've chosen Jadran stockings with a bit unusual pattern. They seem like fishnet, but actually they are not. Rather, they are inverted fishnet pattern or even mini chequred one.
Weather these days is optimal to make us forget knee length boots (at least for a while) and show off our legs. Last week, the sun surprised us with relatively high temperatures for this time of year so it was enough to put on 70 den warm, but elegant stockings. For my syling I've chosen Jadran stockings with a bit unusual pattern. They seem like fishnet, but actually they are not. Rather, they are inverted fishnet pattern or even mini chequred one.
Jadran čarapa 70 dena |
Ono što je bitno, tople su i efektne su. I dobro pristaju sandalama otvorenih prstiju. Inače nisam ljubitelj takvih kombinacija, odnosno nikad ne nosim otvorene sandale i najlonke (do sad) ali vidjela sam hrpe slika dobro stiliziranih odjevnih kombinacija gdje su ova dva modna komada izvrsno uparene. Ohrabrile su me te kombinacije za ovu moju i čini se da je dobro ispalo. :)
The most important thing is that they are warm and attractive. And they suit well with open toe stilletos. Usually I do not like that match, I never wear stockings and open stilletos together (until now), but I've seen so many great stylings in which these two fashion items match perfectly. They made me try it and it seems pretty well!
The most important thing is that they are warm and attractive. And they suit well with open toe stilletos. Usually I do not like that match, I never wear stockings and open stilletos together (until now), but I've seen so many great stylings in which these two fashion items match perfectly. They made me try it and it seems pretty well!
woldorf najlonke ( |
Čini se da bi isto tako dobro otvoreni prsti bili grijani i u 70 dena woldorf čarape sitnog uzorka koju vuče na mrežu. Uzorci na Jadran i woldorf čarapi, naravno, nisu identični, ali su vrlo slični. Oba para čarapa su crna i stoga se mogu kombinirati u nebrojenim kombinacijama. Pa i vi iskoristite ovih nekoliko proljetnih zimskih dana i zapletite noge u tople mrežaste najlonke...
It also seems that open toes would be kept warm enough in 70 den woldorf stockings with tiny pattern which also looks like fishnet, Patterns on Jadran and woldorf are, of course, not same, but are very much alike. Both are black which makes hem perfect fit for numerous fashion combinations. Make the most out of spring in winter and cover your legs in warm patterned stockings...
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